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experience is to be shared
art is for enjoying it together
internet is for discovering more of it
this is our reference tab now wwww
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jjjjjj somr testing and experimenting idkkkk

for phones nado
louche art* (a term made-up for this exclusively)

louche (originally french) - disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way

in this category theres place for cringe, kitsch, self-indulgent, ... art of any media

หšโœงโ‚ŠโŽlouche artโŽโบหณโœงเผš archive
louche art* (a term made-up for this exclusively)

louche (originally french) - disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way

in this category theres place for cringe, kitsch, self-indulgent, ... art of any media


white cube gallery

what internet should be like

piracy, archiving (and connection between the two), crowdfonding

whats good and valuable about louche art (the story about that narrative i tried to build for the ar piece last year idk) -- what am i contributing to it, a reflection on my work so far???

what makes art "good" or "valuable", and if we re supposed to adapt the media to the idea, is using twxt, words, still not good enough? Im just dragging myself down with that thought

"when the visual becomes too "stressful" - write, do something"
too much pressure idk

"sometimes u just have to say something horrible" wwww

"portability" for me also means transfering (through a sort of show and tell) something to other ppl and thats why GDrive was important for the initial concept??? idk where its going now tho